Heading Up Into Mississippi
We headed out of New Orleans after breakfast in the hotel, and went along the same highway (Highway 10 across the water) that we rode to the swamp tour. We went over the familiar 7 mile bridge and then headed down the main highway for 20 miles before turning off onto Iour much loved slower roads.
We quickly got some petrol at the small country town of Poplarville and then we followed the signs to Lumberton. It took us through some thick forest but because we had come in winter, the majority of the trees were bare.
It was a well maintained and before I knew it we had passed through Lumberton and were headed to Hattiesburg. The next 30 miles saw a noticeable drop in temperature and we could tell it was now well below zero.
We were freezing cold.

Harry tries to warm up at a BP
We travelled further into the forest and stop for a short break at Purvis where we adjusted our winter gear so we weren’t so insanely cold. We then went through a bit more forest until popping out at the gorgeous town of Hattiesburg.
We were seriously cold by this time and needed a cafe to warm us up – we found one in the Oaks Cafe and went in.
We sat down and got talking to a older lady who seemed very energetic and wanted to know all about our trip, she continuously repeated how it was an amazing father son bonding experience, which I guess it is (just don’t tell Harry’s mum about the cocaine, hookers and strippers of New Orleans).
We had the best soup ever – Pumpkin from memory – not sure if it was so great because of the taste or the warmth it provided, but we soon warmed up.
We checked our maps and decided to head to Meridian and stay there for the nigh,t but if it was to cold we would head through Alabama the next day and if it wasn’t too cold we would head north to Nashville.

I check the map to see just how lost I am!
Everyone Told Us To Avoid Alabama
I reckon of the 20 or so people we spoke to about heading to Alabama, 19 told us not to go.
“Too dangerous” was the common cry.
Now, whilst I tend to ignore most advice, when most people suggest your son’s going to be in danger I tend to listen a bit.
So I was keen to avoid Alabama.
(On a side note, the terrible branding Alabama has as a place to avoid must be costing the state millions of dollars in lost tourism.)
Back To Hattiesburg
With our destination sorted, we finished our meals and were keen to get to Meridian and stop for an early finish.
It was up Highway 59 to Sandersville, where we hopped off onto the slow country roads of Highway 11.
An easy ride through the calm countryside of Mississippi to Meridian, where we checked into a Motel 6 (read my Trip Advisor review here).
The Beautiful Town Of Meridian
From the motel we headed over to the centre of Meridian. And wow, what a gorgeous town.
Harry and I found a bar and had a bite to eat, along with a few games of pool and then we went off exploring this very quaint town.

Don't miss Haz!
The town centre was done up beautifully for Christmas and a real delight. Absolutely wonderful.

Buildings are beautifully presented

Christmas in Meridian
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