Day 14 – Memphis, Tennessee to Lake Village, Arkansas

by tailored on December 3, 2011

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After hitting the breakfast in the hotel, we headed out of Memphis fairly early.

The outskirts of Memphis was pretty run down with a police station with 100+ police cars all around – not something you see in Australia.

We then found the highway which took us completely out of the Memphis and into Mississippi down Highway 3 (a quiet highway).

We passed farmland on either side and as we rode past we could see hundreds of birds flying out from the grass with fright at the sound of the bike. We continued riding towards Prichard which had a fairly large amount of signage so we assumed it would be a fairly large town but it turned out to be an intersection with no houses in sight.

We continued on towards Crenshaw, passing through farmland for all day long.

Probably not a good spot to stop at night!

Probably not a good spot to stop at night!

I almost cleaned up a dog wandering across the road at one stage.  As I swerved to miss him, Harry calls out from the back “That’s just weak, you could have taken it”.  Good point!

As we rode along the highway the slow decay of American country was obvious to see, with long ago abandoned houses, shops boarded up and larger buildings going to ruin.

The riding was great – very cruisy on one lane highways – with barely any traffic.

We then headed for the Mississippi and the town of Ruleville we sampled a Burger King, and were served by a couple of gorgeous black women who had accents we could hardly understand.  But that was okay, they couldn’t understand us either!

Serving Sizes Are Insane

The serving sizes in the USA are insanely large – a large Coke is closer to a bucket.

We then rode past more farmland to the large town of Greenville – that had no appeal so we headed across the Mississippi River to look for somewhere to stay.

Across the very impressive MS River Bridge and we were back in Arkansas.

We found the quiet lake side village of, you guessed it, Lake Village and booked into the nearest hotel.  It was called the Southern Inn – cheap as chips and that was too expensive.  Avoid that joint if you head to Lake Village.

We dropped our gear and went for a ride around the village – following the waterfront road which took us past some very nice houses but more impressively, we passed the lake which was very picturesque.

The houses were on the left of the road and there was 20 metres of downhill grass and then there was the lake with a lot of private jetties. This section of the town was deserted as it is the middle of winter and they were all ideal summer homes.

The Centre Of Town Was Completely Deserted

We then reached the centre of town which was completely deserted; all it was missing was a ball of hay rolling down the street.

The town was the same as most country towns we saw along the way with the main street having a lot of shops and then just one street back it turned residential.

In this town, however there were no people about all, except for the local copper.

Around the lake was lovely with plenty of grass areas and jetties.



Relaxing in Lake Village

Relaxing in Lake Village

After a few hours relaxing alongside the lake, we headed for dinner to the recommended JJ’s Lakeside Cafe.

We were assured by someone (who we now know to be a deranged lunatic) that their seafood buffet was to die for and, at just $12.99, it was cheap.

They got a little confused with the words – by “to die for” means it “will almost certainly kill you with awful food”.

God it was bloody terrible!

We took a few bites and got the hell out of there as fast as we could.

Harry still describes the food there as “without a doubt the worst meal I had ever eaten.”

So it wasn’t a big favourite!

Back To Chips & Beer

We headed for the Gas Station across the road, filled up with petrol, grabbed some chips, chocolate and beer and headed for the motel.

In a stroke of luck akin to winning lotto, the move was “The Hangover” so we settled in for a boys night.

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