Jumped on the bike and headed for Catoosa – and our old friend Route 66.
There was more traffic on this section of road but just a little way away beside it was the interstate which connected much the same places in a smaller distance which meant it was only used by tourists and local traffic.
We passed all of the deserted towns and then reached the small town of Chelsea, a small, slowly decaying town with many a closed shop.
The centre of town was just 50m from the main road and it was mainly closed down shops even though it was their peak time.

Deserted streets of Chelsea, Oklahoma
We went into a diner which at first glance seemed closed but at closer inspection was open.

Main Street Diner, Chelsea
It had loads of old Route 66 memorabilia and we were seated by one of the 2 very friendly ladies working there and we sat in at a normal table for basically the first time on the trip.

Harry hops into a Hot Chocolate
There were quite a few customers about, that all said “Y’all” a lot!
Gun Shop
We ventured into the Gun Shop up the road a little and ask about the guns and laws in America.
We had a friendly chat with the owner and his mate and they showed us various guns and we had a long chat about the different gun laws between the US and Australia.
The guys were perplexed at the regulation of Australian laws, whilst we were equally as surprised at how easy it was to get hold of a gun in the US.
Back On Route 66
We then rode through the main street back to Route 66 which we followed out of the town and into farmland.
The long, slow country roads had relatively little traffic and were a joy to ride on.
I always see a spot or 2 on a trip where you just have to take a photo – with the highway stretching into the distance, the cloudless blue sky contrasting with the rolling grass and a Route 66 sign, this was a spot for such a pic.

Harry takes a rest of Route 66
Back onto the bike and more farmland before reaching Interstate 44 which we followed all the way into Missouri.
We’d picked out the small town of Monett, Missouri to stay in – we were always keen to see small town USA.
Through more rolling hills and easy country roads, the ride into Monett was bliss and a wonderful part of the trip.

Easy riding
Into a hotel chain we’d hadn’t tried before – Days Inn $66 for a double room) – and Hari, the manager soon had us settled.
Off to The Bayou restuarant where we ordered Alligator amongst other things.
The waitresses, some patrons and the owner all came over for a chat as they wanted to hear our Aussie accents.
Harry swears it was because he is so good looking, but a mirror would suggest otherwise.
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